Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Literature Circles in ELL Kindergarten?

I really enjoyed the literature circle activity with my Kindergarten students. Since my students are not yet reading independently, I did a modified version. I used the big book Mrs. Wishy Washy and I read the book to them. I created an anticipatory guide to use with them before, during, and after reading the story. It gave them a chance to make predictions, analyze characters, and tell how they would change the story. The discussions that emerged were really great. The students loved the story of Mrs. Wishy Washy and we used puppets to act out the story after reading it. The puppets really seemed to help my two students who are still not ready to talk out loud. I think activities like literature circles are great to use with ELL students because it breaks a book into chunks. It really gave me time to talk about the vocabulary and the different parts of the book with my students. For older students, it gives them a voice about which parts of the book they liked best.

I think the activity went well and there isn’t really anything I would change. I have pulled out more Mrs. Wishy Washy books to use with my class. I would encourage other teachers to try this activity. I never would have thought my Kindergarten students would have been able to have such good conversations about the story.

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