Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Journey to ESL Certification

As I reflect on my journey to obtain my ESL add-on endorsement, several thoughts come to mind. As a veteran teacher, going back to school was a scary thought for me. Taking classes on-line presented another challenge, but was the best choice for me, as a full time wife, mother, and Kindergarten teacher. The coursework was relevant and helpful to me as a classroom teacher. The classes I took helped to prepare me for what I faced in the classroom each day. I absolutely love working with ESL students and they are the reason I chose to go back to school. I love their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. No matter what book I read, or game I choose to play, they are always ready and willing. The progress they make during the year amazes me. For them only, did I suffer through the ESL Praxis test. That test, by far, is the hardest one I have ever taken.
The one accomplishment that I am most proud of is the Wiki I created through my classes. It is a great resource to use throughout the rest of my teaching career. I have also shared it with other teachers who have ESL students in their classes. One piece of advice I would give those teachers who want to pursue the add-on endorsement is to know what you want to do. It has not been an easy journey. I have worked really hard and am so glad that I am finished. As hard as it has been, and as much time it has taken, it is truly worth it. To see the looks on my students faces each day, and watch their joy when they learn to read and write, makes it worth it all.

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